supersonic debbie

supersonic debbie

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why RAC? Why NOW?

RAC stands for “Revolutionary Autonomous Communities.” Why this name? Extreme urban poverty calls for radical action. The day to day struggle to survive is an act of revolution, for the poor and working class people. RAC is mostly people of color. RAC says we have a responsibility for all people in our society; the homeless, the formerly incarcerated, migrants, single women of color with children, the LGBTQ community, the sick, the elderly. People are starving in the streets of Westlake, Los Angeles, approximately seven to twenty minutes away from the Standard, the Library Bar, and other elite establishments. As the wise Anarchist/Communist intellectual John A. Imani once said, “We don’t claim to have the exact formula for changing this ‘government,’ but what we are involved in is an experiment in how to become human....[RAC] is nothing more than an experiment in socialism.” We are to reinvent our humanity, not defend what labels the patriarchy and the imperialist U.S. regime uses to identify us. In the words of Franz Fanon, “For Ourselves and For Humanity, comrades, we must turn over a new leaf and try to set-afoot as a new man [and woman]” (Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth).
RAC distributes free, healthy food in recycled bags and boxes every Sunday on the west side of MacArthur park (Parkview/Alameda). The food includes mostly fresh vegtables, fruits, breads, and spices. RAC was born out of desperate necessity. Watch this documentary to see how RAC first began on November 13, 2007: “We Are Still Here. We Never Left.”  on The climate was hot in the inner city from police brutality, deportations, extreme urban poverty, gentrification, and lack of jobs, or welfare safety-nets for the vulnerable of society because of lack of taxes on the ultra-rich, the corporate take-over which increased privatized medical care, threatened to cut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and so forth. 
The television, radio, and internet ads assume that the average consumer is brainwashed to the point of not knowing themselves. The masses are not stupid. The working class and poor people have many cultures, and  political agendas, but it is not studied in academia or understood by the mainstream media. An array of politicians and hedge fund bankers assume that the working class and the poor are ignorant at best; idiots at worst. We want to redistribute the wealth of society more equitably, but we can’t do it so easily (even though there are more of us than the top richest men) for the obvious reason that those who lack access to capital, have no power to change the system without revolution. RAC’s demands can be grouped into three categories; the social, the economic, the political. The truth is they know that we know we can take down their capitalist kleptocracy if we just organize, and they are scared we will. That’s why the puppet news stations like Fox News, CNN, and internet sites like yahoo etc. are funded by the billions of dollars to try and convince us that we are incapable of changing this form of government. See the RAC blog at We discuss topics that are relevant to our community in this forum on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons, at the same location in Mac Arthur park. 
The elderly and the infirm are sleeping on the cold streets, without anybody to offer them a bed or a glass of water before perishing. Take a chance. You’re capable. Volunteer for RAC and/or get free veggies/fruits/snacks/bread/fresh spices. Also, please introduce yourself to the other women, men and children working towards a political revolution of the poor/working-class. Everyone is really nice. Don’t be shy. We have volunteers that speak Spanish only, Korean only and English only. 

RAC is protesting the establishment through mostly self-taught anarchist, communist, and/or socialist ways. We want to redistribute wealth more equitably amongst ourselves. How? If others have less than us, we give. If others ask for our help, we give what we can. We are different than Occupy LA because our goal is first to build a strong community as a revolutionary act, and second, to cut ties with the elite class through working to change the economic inequality. We labor for change, we invite you to join us. 
See you next Sunday,
The RAC-LA Family
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