supersonic debbie

supersonic debbie

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

bell Hooks homage on Ms.Blog

Dear Debbie ,
"Imagine living in a world where there is no domination, where females and males are not alike or even always equal, but where a vision of mutuality is the ethos shaping our interaction." - bell hooks
bell hooks changed my life.
And if you've encountered her work, it's probably changed yours.
Starting TODAY, the Ms. Blog is running a week of essays paying homage to bell hooks. Don't miss it!
-In "Teaching to Transgress in High Schools", Ileana Jimenez shares how bell hooks and feminist theory are transforming high school classrooms.
-Continuing bell hooks' work of taking love seriously, in "All About Love", Ebony Utley interviews black women about their experiences with love and infidelity.
-In "10 Years of 'Feminism is for Everybody'", Audrey Bilger commemorates one of our favorite feminist classics.
We'd love for you to come join in the week of commentary and discussion.
Hope to see you there!
In sisterhood,

Jessica Stites
Associate Editor
Ms. magazine/Ms. Blog

****Audrey Bilger is an amazing Claremont McKenna College professor. (I had the pleasure of taking Feminist Theory with her as an undergraduate)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Anti-War Articles: Stop the War on Muslims, Latinos and other recent immigrants!
then read...
So is 2012 it?
should our generation investigate what to do about the decay of our parent's values and the rise of a kleptocracy?
Do not be a stranger!

Anti-War Articles: Stop the War on Drugs!

Sensible policy:
In California: Prop 19

I do not believe in legalization,  but actually in the decriminalization of pot and all mind altering substances.
Thanks for the skepticism.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sound Track of this Blog
        M.I.A. "10 dollar"
          Shiny Toy Guns "Le Disko"
          Control Machete "Amores Perros" (I ignore the video, love the guitar intro)
          Daft Punk "We Are Human" is a classic for electronica fans. the paradox is that a robotic voice asserts the fact that we are human.
          Oasis "Wonderwall" I think of a wonderwall as somebody that shields me from the hostile environment beckoning me everyday.
         Aerosmith "Pink" as in pretty pussy
          Jefferson Airplane "High Flyin' Bird" : I got the sit down, can't cry gonna die blues!
          The Velvet Underground "I'll be Your Mirror"

My Media Sources (Fuck Fox News!)

M.I.A. -Born Free

Thoughts? Beware this video contains graphic, violent content. Please be advised.
I will include my comments in another post.
This video is relevant to the past, present and future. If Orwell wrote in the year 2010, maybe this is what he would project into a visual piece.

Rage Against the Corporate Machine!

This space is dedicated in honor and for the use of future discussions that further the production of passion and excitement against a counter-hegemonic struggle beginning in the year 2010. Please use this place for experiments of anti-neocolonialist reflections which border on the artistic, liberated, and creative side of your thoughts. I want to hear you! sincerely, supersonic d

What is the kiss aesthetic?

I am not politically "English Only." I am English Plus. So this is not the "aesthetic kiss" but instead about the kiss that describes the aesthetic. (Adjective and Noun are reversed) Please continue to visit my blog to discover through sight, sound and touch, what exactly is the irony about Kissing the Aesthetic. "Every movement that has attempted to liberate marginalized groups from the oppressions of elision and invisibility has, to all intents and purposes, insisted on having something to say, on having a language to say it in and on having a position from which to speak." (Rogoff, Visual Culture Reader 33)